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Online Notes

Fast, super simple, no nonsense, reliable, and independent.

Take notes, keep them safely in the cloud. Share them across your devices, and among all your friends, colleagues, and family.

Choose your own way to use this web app:

  • Free and no login: Use the service for free, take notes online, publish them as web pages and use markdown formatting if you like, have your note saved automatically to the cloud
  • AI assistant, visitor stats, privacy and productivity: Sign up, get PRO, and enjoy an even faster, ads- and third party tracking free premium experience. Get your AI Assistant, visitor stats, private subdomain, your own dashboard, keyboard shortcuts and lots of productivity boosters.

Follow us on the News Feed to stay up to date, and find out more at

Just in case:

If you cannot access your note, just replace "shrib" in your URL/internet address with "online-note".

Instead of, you can go to

BTW: both domains work. They access the same note data - all your edits are safe and updated across both domains.
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